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Steve Jerge – Testing, Adjusting, and Balancing Bureau Hall of Fame Award

General Manager Steve Jerge has been honored as the latest recipient of the Testing, Adjusting, and Balancing Bureau Hall of Fame Award from SMACNA, the Sheet Metal Contractors Association of Central Indiana!

The Hall of Fame Award recognizes “those in our industry who have made significant contributions by setting exemplary standards of service or by providing innovative ideas that strengthen the value of TABB Certification.”

Steve has dedicated his career to the Test and Balance field and is a leader in the industry with over 20 years of experience. Known as one of the best in Indiana, he completes each job with passion, integrity and determination to be the best. Others look at Steve as a mentor and he willingly shares his knowledge with engineers, owners, and other contractors. He provides training on various systems, explanations on how to troubleshoot issues in the field, and shares his experiences. He encourages all technicians to continue their education and become certified. Steve is also active in the local chapter of IEBB and shares his TAB expertise with the other contractors in an effort to ensure future leaders of the TAB field continue to uphold the profession.

“Steve has a degree in “real world experience.” I’ve worked with Steve for more than 20 years and he has always proven to be a valuable partner and asset to the organization he represents.” – Mike Roach

We are so grateful to have such a dedicated, experienced leader for our team!